****Fundraiser and charity bookings no longer permitted at this centre****
Wyatt Grove is your new neighbourhood shopping centre – we're just down the road.
It's the kind of place you can do the weekly shop at Woolworths, meet friends for coffee, grab a meal, get your nails done, pick up the paper or just duck out for some milk. The great thing about Wyatt Grove is that it's big enough to have all the day-to-day things you need, but small enough so you'll be greeted by your first name.
Hocking has a population of 5,509 people (49.3% Male, 50.7% Female)
Majority of the population is in theages of 25-54, with young children
100 Gungurru Ave,
Hocking WA 6065
Neighbourhood Shopping Centre, anchored by full line Woolworths Supermarket, 16 specialty tenancies, 168 on grade carparks